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Morning Prayers





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Morning Prayers(圖1)-速報App

Spiritual Ways of Starting Your Day

We all wake up every day and spend an entire day making mistakes as well as encountering problems. The way you start your morning really matters and many advertisements will even boast about how their products will improve your morning and give you a better day. However, the truth is that prayers will work more on your spirit and emotions. Morning prayers will be an encouragement to you the whole day. Let us look at some of the types of morning prayers which will lift your spirits in the morning and give you a better day.

The spiritual armor of God

Each day in our lives we encounter many temptations and security attacks from the evil one. When you do your morning prayers then don’t forget to ask for the full armor of God to protect you the whole day against any schemes that the evil one may have ahead of you. Just like Ephesians 6:11 tells you to pray and ask God for protection against schemes of the evil one. Make the prayer and don’t forget to mention the belt of truth and breastplate of righteousness as part of your armor. Protection request in your morning prayers will give the courage to face anything during the day.

Morning Prayers(圖2)-速報App

Gratitude to God Almighty

Making a prayer without first thanking God for me would be an offense. Every time you wake up it will be by the grace of God and say thank you for another day will not cost you anything during your morning prayers. If you a family person then thank God for waking everyone up and the good health to start another day. Starting your day like this ensures you have a positive attitude about what God will do for you during the day. It will not also be a bad idea to thank God for the cleansing and mercy of freeing you from sin by sacrificing His only son. Gratitude is a very important virtue to have and pray to God you will share it with people as you continue with your day.

Acknowledge your spirituality

Just like friendship, claiming to love God and then being with doubts about yourself will just slow down your prayers. Every Morning Prayer should include your acknowledgment that you are a child of God and consider yourself as ready for the kingdom. Identify yourself with God and state your stand and confidence that the evil one will not be able to break the fire of God that surrounds you during your daily activities.

Morning Prayers(圖3)-速報App

Blessings are very crucial

After gratitude and protection then blessings come next. You cannot complete your day if you are not blessed by God. So every time you make a Morning Prayer make sure you ask for blessings no matter how small and you can be sure of a positive approach to life during the day.

We can comfortably conclude that morning prayers will play a major role in strengthening and giving you blessings throughout the day not, just the products which are advertised. God is the giver of blessings and throughout the day if you put your trust then by the end of the day you will have something to show thank you for.

Here is a preview of what you will get with the Morning Prayers:

Morning Prayers(圖4)-速報App

• The Importance of Morning Prayer

• The Benefits of the Morning Prayer

• Morning Prayer. Why Is It Important to Pray?

Morning Prayers(圖5)-速報App

• Morning Prayers to Use Daily

• Powerful Morning Prayers You Need to Get Your Day Started with God

• Daily Morning Prayers to Brighten Your Day

• Much, much more daily prayers!

Morning Prayers(圖6)-速報App

Download your Morning Prayers copy today!

God Bless You!

Morning Prayers(圖7)-速報App